Monday, November 22, 2010

The Sins of Rampage

The Sins
Boxing Sin #1 Don't try and knock him out with every punch, anyone who has any basic boxing knowledge will tell you, despite this Rampages corner demanded it the whole 60 seconds he was on his stool.
Boxing Sin #2 and #3 Jab and work the body. This Ko outlook stopped him thinking, stopped him jabbing and stopped him feinting as well as neglecting the body,  basic boxing especial against a tall elusive southpaw. He needed to only jab and defend until he get Machida near the cage, force Machidas pot shot and counter him into the cage.
MMA Sin #1 Isn't rampage a wrestler? Even non wrestlers seem to be able to break a clinch and throw punches, as it was when rampage closed in on Machida near the fence, he was clinched and eventually turned. You did want to get close and punch him right? Classic MMA sin from the clinch, you must BREAK ON YOUR TERMS. truthfully if rampage had just done this we may have seen a Ko.
MMA sin #2 Punch while they try stand up. How many people can stand with someone on them, even using a cage, while you punch them in the face and finish off with a knee? Ground and pound can also mean while they are trying to get up. Something Cain Valasquez does exceptionally.

Even with Quintin 'Rampage' Jackson's limited offence and horribly un-educated corner men he still did quite well. The game plan is actually quite simple. Cut the ring, force a Machida attack on your terms, cover and counter, break the clinch and punch. Machida eventually found it easy to predict the attack, fight in center ring or clinch when in danger, and this is why it became a close fight, Machida adjusts, thinks and is more well rounded, despite the loss he is still the better fighter and if they rematch, if Rampage cant do the same adjusting and thinking etc he will lose an easy fight to Machida.

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