Thursday, December 2, 2010

What are you made of?

"The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character" - Buhhda

When I study a fighter the first thing I listen for is there language, you will hear it in what they say and the intrest they show. You will note how fighters such as Dempsey idolise the kayo punch in there language and stories, fighters like James Toney speak disdain for there opponents skills, Floyd Mayweather dismisses any right anyone has to be better than him.
This tells you what you need to know about them and how they train, and how they may be beaten or not. Dempsey praises Tunney's underrated power in his triumphs over him, James Toney had a look of disgust when he realised in round 2 that he will not in fact be out boxing Roy Jones Jr that nite. They had met there imagined match at their chosen area of expertise, men with iron spirits subtly folded. The great Bernard Hopkins had a similar experience when the rampant Joe Calageh out adjusted him and ultimately defeated him in the way that Hopkins prides himself and his Black American slick boxer contemporaries.
Styles make fights, but personalities and unconscious physical abilities make styles and fighters, more often than not whoever has the better understanding and emotional awareness will triumph. to know how to best your opponent your style and you weaknesses you must ultimately appreciate the intricacies that have made yo train and perform the way you do.

"Know thy self" - Socrates

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